Friday, January 08, 2010

Day #5 of 365 Days of Beer - 2009 Harpoon Winter Warmer

Welcome to the 5th installment of 365 Days of Beer. I got tied up this evening and didn't get home until around 11:30pm, just barely got this beer poured and consumed on Day 5.

Beer Name - 2009 Harpoon Winter Warmer (Boston, MA)
Serving Type - 12oz Bottle served in a goblet
Style - Winter Warmer
Availability - Winter Release

Ah yes, the winter warmer by Harpoon. This is another beer that I look forward to every year as rumor has it, they tweak the recipe every year to make it a little different than the previous. I will usually pick up a case and put a six pack in the basement for again purposes.

The initial pour of the beer give you a nice ruby colored body with a very small off-white head that dissipates quickly into the small ring that you see in the picture above. Minimal off-white lacing is present on the glass throughout the drinking session.

The aroma on the beer is big on spices. I detect some cinnamon and nutmeg, perhaps a hint of clove.

Onto flavor. The beer drinks very spicy. Definitely overpowering on the cinnamon and nutmeg. It's actually hard to taste anything else in the beer. As the beer warmed I was able to get a bit of a vanilla flavor but that was about it.

Final Thoughts - I must say that I'm pretty disappointed with this years offering of winter warmer. Perhaps it was a bit late for me to try this and my taste buds are off? I'll give this one a try but I'm not holding out hope for a different outcome. Here's to hoping that some aging will take a bit of the spiciness away.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I actually liked it more this year.