The original Boston in England was an abbreviation of "Botolph's Town" or "Botolph's Stone". Botolph is a 7th century saint from England who's feast day is on June 17th. A beer review and a history lesson? Where else you going to get that in the same place =)
Beer Name - Pretty Things Saint Botolph's Town (Cambridge, MA)
Serving Type - 22oz bottle served in a bell glass
Style - Rustic Dark Ale
Availability - Year Round

The initial pour is a very dark brown with a twinge of red. Super thick tan head with a lot of bubbles in it. The head is so thick that it poured up over the glass rim and stayed there. Never ran down the side. With head this thick as expected you get a ton of offwhite lacing on the glass (very pretty).
The aroma of the beer surprised me. I've never heard of a "rustic dark ale" styling before this beer so I really didn't know what to expect. The smell was fantastic though. Very earthy. Malts, a bit of nuttiness, hint of hops, and perhaps a bit of spices (perhaps clove).
Again I have no idea what to expect from the flavor either. Again, I was pleasantly surprised. Brown sugar, caramel, hints of chocolate, bit of hops, and it all finishes with plum? (definitely some sort of dark fruit, maybe raisin). Very smooth to drink and not too heavy on the palate.
Final Thoughts - I'm impressed. This was the first beer I've had from Pretty Things and I now want to track down some more. This was just a solid beer from start to finish. The ABV is low at 5.7% ABV and with as smooth as the beer is, you should definitely be able to have a few of them before you get full.
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