This beer was created to honor beer writer and historian Fred Eckhardt.
Beer Name - Hair of the Dog Fred (Portland, OR)
Serving Type - 12oz bottle served in a tulip glass
Style - American Barleywine
Availability - Year Round

First off ... I'd like to say that I was completely engrossed in a conversation when I received my beer and didn't notice that it was probably served in the wrong glassware. Being a barleywine, it probably should have been served in a snifter or goblet. But alas, a tulip is the next best thing, so it won't hurt the aroma or flavors too much.
The beer pours a hazy coppery orange color with a pretty heavy off-white head that dissipates quickly into the ring you see in the picture. With the head being so heavy, it does cling to the glass very well to leave nice lacing effects.
The aroma is full of different smells from malt, to citrus, to hops, and even a very sweet candy type smell.
The taste of the beer is about as complex as the smell. Initially the beer drinks "hot" (explained in other review) but the alcohol taste is quickly met by an orangy malt flavor, some hints of caramel, and then finishes with some hop bitterness.
Final Thoughts - Barleywines are known for one thing and that one thing is being high in alcohol content. This particular one clocks in at 10% ABV. Please drink in moderation. It's not often that I get to sample stuff from Hair of the Dog as we have a poor distribution of it in my area. In general though, I do like their stuff very much and this barleywine is no different. Not my favorite barleywine but definitely one I'd be able to drink on a regular basis.
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